Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Scott!

Hey, Mate. Happy birthday, OZ time. I promise we'll have a good time on your behalf today -- even though it is cold and raining.

Anyhoo, have a good day today and tomorrow. Having folks on both sides of the date line allows you to celebrate twice.

Curtis, Heather, Amber, Chad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gawrsh, thanks gang. I feel quite privileged that you would think of me while having such a great time in Oz. I like that international date line thing. It's not to bad having an excuse to begin the celebration early.

Thanks for the coffee pot, Curtis. I'm certainly enjoying it. Chad and Amber, stop by when you return and I'll fix you a cup. Of course, you'll have to catch me quick. We leave the country on June 6 and will hard to catch up with until August.