Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Yesterday Heather was the voice of reason that kept us in motion. Chad and I figured we traveled 24 hours with maybe 3-4 hrs. of sleep. To ensure that we would sleep at night we kept moving & this is what we saw...opera house, sydney harbour bridge, sydney harbour, the rocks, and darling harbour (where our hotel is located).

We enjoyed an evening meal overlooking darling harbour, and then hit the sack at 7pm.

Today we walked all over the city...made it to chinatown and botanical gardens, and if my legs weren't so tired, i may have more energy to put into details and creative writing.

Hope to write and have some pictures soon, but am signing off because of the low battery.


Curtis said...

G'day. Now that I've gotten over losing Monday forever, I've decided to add my .02 AUD (.03 or .04 USD) to the blog. Kudos to Amber for setting this up.

We're having a great time here in Sydney. Great city.
Decent food (though expensive), and plenty o' java places.

Off to the beach tomorrow, then moving up and out of Sydney Friday. This will be our first day with a car, so posting could be slim the next couple of days -- either from lack of Internet access or from failing to learn to drive on the left side of the road!

Cheerio mates,

Anonymous said...

This is what I'm talking about. Thanks for dragging your thirtysomething family into the world of blogging, Amber.

Way to go, jumping in there with a comment, Curtis. I look forward to much more.

Curtis said...

Today's adventures took us to Bondi beach and King's Crossing. Sydney in the late fall is such a tough life. There was actually an article in the paper about getting through the winter blues. Sunny. 75 degrees and an ocean -- I know I need some Prozac.

Speaking of drugs, well, King's Crossing was a "sight."

So, really, speaking of drugs -- the coffee cafe tally hit three new ones today.

Tracy Newberry said...

Sun, 75 degrees, Ocean, coffee...sounds like Utopia to me.

Hat's off to Amber. I don't think I have ever posted a comment to a blog before. She is a good influence on us all.

I look forward to hearing more about all the adventures. Try not to let the "winter blues" get to you.